Anna Clara Rendahl

Anna Clara's Methods



Material + Commercial

The product proposal below is followed by the design process with starting point in a material that led to this "formable fabric".

This formable fabric would allow children to use their imagination transforming the toy to whatever pops up in their head.
Many things are still to be defined such as the size, texture, shape and more.

How this material could be made is something I will investigate more.

The following slides show the value of the product in relation to the customer/user and company.

Below follows the design process that led to the product proposal.

The exploration of the material in relation to the word care led to a design proposal where the fabric becomes formable. A photo of my nephew playing with the material gives a sensation of how the fabric could “freeze”:

I created three scenarios of how the material might be used. The one just below was one of the key insights when developing my product proposal - a formable fabric.

- Anna Clara